Emma Willard School’s administrative team is comprised of executive leadership for the eight offices of the campus: Head of School, Business Services (which includes Campus Safety, Facilities, and Information Technology), Academics, Admissions, Advancement and Alumnae Relations, Communications and Marketing, Equity and Inclusion, and Student Life. This team is led by Head of School Jenny Rao and is responsible for the planning, decision-making, and operational oversight of Emma Willard. Each member of the “admin team” has decades of career experience in education and their particular area of emphasis.
Board of Trustees
Emma Willard School has a dedicated body of volunteers from within our community—alumnae, parents, friends—who bring their diverse and expert backgrounds to bear in supporting the administration of the school and stewarding its financial and physical resources. The Board is made up of 25 Trustees, including 23 elected Trustees who serve three year terms. The Head of School, who is appointed by the Trustees, serves as an ex officio Trustee for the duration of their tenure. The President of the Alumnae Association Council (AAC), elected by that association’s membership, serves as an ex officio member of the Board during her tenure in that role. Our Trustees share a passion for advancing the vision of Emma Willard School with purposeful courage and informed action.
Honorary Trustees
Jameson "Jamie" Adkins Baxter ’61
Anne N. DePrez ’73
Thomas S. Halsey
Douglas E. Hart P’01
Elisabeth “Lisa” Allen LeFort ’72
Wendy Pestel Lehmann ’64
Erica Ling ’75
Ian B. MacCallum Jr.
Kendra Stearns O'Donnell ’60 P’88
Linda Glazer Toohey ’66 P’00 P’03
Michal Colby Wadsworth ’65
Victoria "Vicky" Thompson Winterer ’61