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READY Seminar

How to Human

At Emma Willard, we believe that in order to be ready to serve and shape their world, our students must learn to practice care and understand purpose for themselves, then envision and enact those skills in their communities, and the broader world.

The READY Program is a four-year curriculum designed to support this learning by creating a thoughtful and experiential practice on what it means to be human.

Taught by a team of instructors including Houseparents and Student Life staff, students participate in one 70-minute seminar each week that is a part of their regular academic schedule. READY seminars meet for a full year 9th-11th grade. Seniors have READY for College in the fall semester and participate in specialty READY After Emma workshops in the spring semester.

Download our course catalog for more details and graduation requirements.

Course Catalog

student with fleece hat

Students joined Dr. Esther Dettmar and Dr. Gina Egan in the READY Center this weekend for fleece hat and ear warmer making! Pictured above is Maggie R. ’25.

students making fleece blankets

Students made fleece tied blankets in the READY Center this past weekend. Fleece pattern options included mushrooms, sloths, hedgehogs and more! Pictured above are Avery W. ’27, Riley F. ’27, and Millie R. ’27.


What fills a day in the life of an Emma dog? We’ve got you covered, looking at what fills a day on campus for the resident READY center aficionado: Jurgie. Jurgie’s person is the Director of READY Programs Evangeline Delgado, who took us for a jaunt around campus through his eyes!

The READY Center

The READY Center is designed to promote wellbeing and belonging. Learn more

READY Seminar Faculty

Evangeline Delgado

Evangeline Delgado

Associate Director of Student Life for READY
Aniella Day

Aniella Day

Nourane Hentati

Nourane Hentati

Nicole Miranda

Nicole Miranda

Associate Director of Student Life for Boarding
Charis Shelley

Charis Shelley

Class of 2006
Genesis Villar

Genesis Villar

Hope Wiley

Hope Wiley

Katharine Wilson

Katharine Wilson

Class of 1984