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Learning Support

The Learning Support Department partners with students, families, and faculty to foster a learning environment that balances academic rigor with equitable access to curriculum. Through consultation, collaboration and intervention, the Learning Support Department acts as a resource to promote students’ independence and self-advocacy while ensuring students receive support in alignment with their level of need. To accomplish this, a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework is used to proactively identify and address learning concerns. 

Tier 1: Universal Supports 

  • Research-based instruction, practices and supports

Tier 2: Targeted Supports 

  • Academic support classes; targeted interventions 

Tier 3: Individualized Supports

  • Coordination of disability related services 

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Contact Us

For more information on Learning Support, please contact:

Anne LaSalle

Learning Specialist

Amber Towne

Director of Learning Support
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