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Visual Arts

Context and intention are keywords as our art students solve problems, build skills, gain confidence and learn the history of the various media they study in Emma Willard School's visual arts program.

From sight-specific installations around campus to collaborations with the science department, we seek to expand students' understanding of both the function and meaning of art. They are challenged to experience their world in a fresh way, to open their eyes and really see.

Students discussing an art piece in a brightly lit studio

News from the Visual Arts

ally d

Ally will be featured in an upcoming exhibit titled Threads at Albany Center Gallery running from April 30 to June 1. Threads is a celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. For more information, click here.


Dietel Gallery

The Snell Music Wing, Dietel Library, and Maguire Arts Wing are joined together by a common foyer area, Dietel Gallery. Dietel Gallery houses work from alumnae, current students, and visiting artists installations and rotates throughout the year.

Priscilla Rapp '04 speaks to students during the opening of her gallery exhibition

Priscilla Rapp '04 speaks to students during the opening of her gallery exhibition

Priscilla Rapp '04 speaks to students during the opening of her gallery exhibition

Priscilla Rapp ’04 speaks to students about the creative process

Jenny Kemp at the opening of her exhibition in Dietel Gallery

Jenny Kemp at the opening of her exhibition in Dietel Gallery

Visitor to the Jenny Kemp exhibition looking at a colorful piece of art
Two adults and a child looking at a collection of colorful art pieces at the Jenny Kemp exhibition
Visitors to the Jenny Kemp exhibition discuss the artist's work with the artist
A selection of art pieces from the Jenny Kemp exhibition
Gallery show for Anna Schupack called 'Visibility of Community'
Postcards and a guestbook on a gallery stand.
Photography on display in a gallery, photos are of 2020 Black Lives Matter gatherings.
Interactive art exhibit in a gallery with instructions for how to proceed.
A wall with post-it notes and directions to write ehat equity and inequity mean to the viewer.
A 'what does democracy mean to you'  interactive art exhibit.

Slocum Student Gallery

The Slocum Student Gallery is located outside Kiggins Auditorium in Slocum Hall, and features art from current students. The show is rotated out several times a year to continuously feature new student art.

A sign reads 'Slocum Student Gallery' on a wall with mixed media art projects.
A selection of artworks of various medias on display in an art gallery.
A painting of a girl in a blue dress, the dress is made of plastic bags incorpirated 3d style into the painting.
A gallery of art on a hallway wall with a bench underneath the paintings.
A blue and white cloud-like painting with a 3d butterfly incorporated into the canvas on a white wall.
A selection of art, both paintings, photography, and sculpture in a gallery setting.
A geometric sculpture made of paper straws and glue.

Visual Arts Faculty