Healthy Boundaries
Emma Willard provides a safe and supportive environment where students may learn, live, and grow.
As a boarding and day school community, we understand the trust placed in Emma Willard by families to promote and ensure the health, safety, and well-being of every student. The "Healthy Boundaries" program was developed to promote a campus culture of trust through our collective actions and behaviors, and through comprehensive training programs for students and employees.
Students receive additional education about Healthy Boundaries through our READY Programs, the work of the Health Center, and training provided to student leaders. Employees are required to participate in annual training on sexual harassment and identifying abuse in schools. In addition, new employees receive extensive Healthy Boundaries training as a part of orientation.
How to Report Sexual Assault
Current or former students who believe they have been victims of sexual assault should seek help immediately from a trusted adult, including, but not limited to, any of the following:
Head of School Jenny Rao | 518-833-1301,
Associate Head of School Meredith Legg, PhD | 518-833-1310,
Dean of Students Shelley Maher | 518-833-1365,
Director of Counseling Melissa Anderson | 518-833-1881,
Director of Nursing Jennifer Mazzariello | 518-833-1504,
Director of Student and Community Life Emily Carton | 518-833-1321,
Associate Director of Student Life, READY Programs Evangeline Delgado | 518-833-1502
Students may also choose to reach out to professional services directly. Some options for professional support are listed below:
Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Assistance Program at Samaritan Hospital
2215 Burdett Avenue | Troy, NY 12180 | 518-271-3257 Hot Line
New York State Hotline for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Troy, New York Police Department
55 State Street | Troy, NY 12180 | 518-270-4411
Students should call 911 if they need or witness a need for immediate police and/or medical attention.
Addressing Reports of Abuse
Following reports of abuse and misconduct that came to light in 2016, Emma Willard School engaged child protection experts Leslie M. Gomez and Gina Maisto Smith of the law firm Cozen O'Connor to conduct an external audit. The reports linked below contain their findings.
Culture of Respect
In 2016, our school established a partnership with Culture of Respect, an advocacy organization founded in 2013 by Emma Willard School alumna Sandi Haber Fifield ’74 and John Fifield, which works with institutions of higher education to eliminate sexual violence on school campuses. In their own words, “Culture of Respect builds the capacity of educational institutions to end sexual violence through ongoing, expansive organizational change.”