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The International Student Experience

Founded in 1814, Emma Willard is one of the oldest boarding schools for girls in the United States. From its very earliest days, the student body has included those from all over the world. The school's founder, Emma Hart Willard, enrolled girls from France, England, Scotland, the West Indies, Greece, and Turkey. International students, who represent approximately 25 percent of the Emma Willard School student body, join young women from all over the United States who come here to pursue a college-preparatory education. International students are quickly integrated into the community.

Today approximately 38 countries are represented on the campus, including China, France, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Somaliland, Turkey, Vietnam, and Thailand.

Visit our page on The Boarding Student Experience for more details on dorm life, student leaders to help you on campus, and more information about life at Emma!

Frequently Asked Questions

Key Contacts

Dean of Students, Shelley Maher, is a good starting point for questions related to travel and vacation arrangements, dormitory living, and general student life concerns. She can be reached at

Head of Enrollment Management, Kristen Mariotti, handles all questions related to immigration. She can be reached at

Director of International Recruitment & Retention, Jing Zhang Benavot, is also a helpful contact for families with questions about all aspects of the international student experience at Emma.  She can be reached at

International Student Highlights