In March, Emma Willard School embarked on the first ‘Jestermester,’ a minimester during which students and faculty engage in unique learning opportunities. While there will be more in-depth coverage coming later this spring, we’re taking a look at what the community was up to during this inaugural experiential week!
This past fall, students had the opportunity to choose their Jestermester by making a list of their ten preferred courses from twenty-eight possibilities. From trips to Guadalupe, New York City, and Malaysia, to on-campus activities like a bake-off style competition, printmaking and cyanotype classes, dance workshops, storytelling and writing explorations, the choices were varied.
While everyone was exited to have a rest over the next two weeks of spring break, the week’s activities were a welcome change of pace from the usual school year. Many people, students and teachers alike, described this experience as like summer camp–often spending the whole day with a group of people learning and experiencing together!
This year’s Spring Showcase will include coverage of the various Jestermester experiences, where participants will share what their courses entailed and what they learned along the way.
See more photos from last week’s adventures on SmugMug. Thank you to all the participants who sent in their photos from near and far!
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