Last Friday, we took a day off from classes to celebrate Principal’s Play Day, made possible through the generosity of Dr. Fun, aka Dr. Anne Collins ’56.
By Dean of Students Shelley Maher
Each year, Principal's Play Day is made possible through the generosity of Dr. Fun. In 2004, Dr. Anne Collins '56 established a special partnership with Emma Willard School to make fun part of the school year in surprising ways. Through her donations to the "Dr. Fun Fund," she made sure the Head of School had resources to engage students in something fun and unexpected each year. For over 40 years, Dr. Collins was a family practice physician who brought quality medical care and advocacy to underserved communities in the United States and the developing world.
While at Emma, Dr. Fun was a campus leader and an actively grateful alumna. In 2011, the school gave her a Humanitarian Award and, in 2016, she received the Service to Emma Willard Award, "for giving her alma mater a spirited prescription for community fun and camaraderie."
Wishing to continue this spirit of fun, Dr. Collins made provisions to endow the Dr. Fun Fund upon her death so that future generations of Emma Willard students could continue to benefit. Upon her death in April 2022, that wish was realized through her generous bequest.
We know that Dr. Fun would have loved seeing our students rollerskating and trampolining and enjoying the ice treats from Kona Ice. Thank you Dr. Fun !!!!
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